Contact Us

Questions on ordering our beef or what we have available for our seedstock and show cattle? We want to help, send us a message below!

Thanks for contacting us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.


2000 Central Road

Weatherford, Texas 76088



Molly: (408) 690-9961

Leslie: (408) 968-8470
8:00AM - 5:00PM CST


What is so special about Braunvieh cattle?

Braunvieh may be the oldest pure breed on Earth, with records dating back to 800 B.C. Our beef comes from direct descendants of quite possibly the oldest cattle breed on Earth. This old dual-purpose breed originated in Switzerland and is known for producing quality meat and milk in the high altitudes of the Swiss Alps on modest inputs. 

What does "responsibly-raised" mean?

We raise our cattle with the same care and attention that we would want anyone else to take with the food that would be served at our family dinner table. We take precautions to keep their environment as low-stress as possible so they can preform both in the ring and on the table. 

Do you use antibiotics or hormones?

We never use "growth hormones" in our cattle, while antibiotics are used only for life-saving measures in our herd.

How do I order beef? 

You can secure your Star Ranch beef by making an order online and paying your deposit to secure your share.

How do I get my beef? 

Once you successfully place your order, we'll be in touch with you to arrange pickup logistics. For any questions or concerns, you can contact Leslie at (408) 968-8470 or Molly at (408) 690-9961.

Do you have seedstock show/beef cattle available? 

We do offer the highest-quality seedstock beef cattle and show-caliber cattle. If you are interested in either, please give one of us a call: Leslie at (408) 968-8470 or Molly at (408) 690-9961.

2000 Central Road

Weatherford, Texas 76088


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